Thursday, September 23, 1999

books I've read:


  1. Think and grow rich
  2. Rich dad poor dad
  3. Cashflow quadrant
  4. Beans: Four Principles for Running a Business in Good Times or Bad
  5. Thomas Edison
  6. Screw it, Let's do it by Richard Branson
  7. Parable of the piplines
  8. The seven habits of highly effective people
  9. Emyth mastery
  10. Emyth Revisited
  11. The prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
  12. Master your mind, design your destiny
  13. Retire young retire rich
  14. Sales dogs
  15. Secrets to closing the sale
  16. See you at the top
  17. awaken the giant within
  18. Speak from the heart: be yourself and get results
  19. Why employees don't do what they're supposed to do and what to do about it by ferdinard f.fournies
  20. The eighth habit
  21. How to win friends and influence people
  22. Rules of EQ
  23. Rules of network marketing
  24. Rules of Office politics
  25. Sexual intelligence
  26. Do's and taboos of public speaking
  27. Handbook for businessmen
  28. How millionaires stay rich forever
  29. The secrets of self-made millionaires
  30. Blue Ocean Strategy
  1. Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew
  2. The cash register rings non -stop
  3. The Starbucks experience
  4. The 10 rules of Sam Walton

  1. One up on wall street by Peter Lynch
  2. School of Warrant
  3. The intelligent Investor

Body Language
  1. Easy peasey By Allan Pease
  2. Body Language By Allan Pease
  3. Your total image by Phillipa Davis
  4. The Definitive Book of Body Language
There's too many that I've read but I just can't remember.


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